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Entries in Bikram yoga (36)

Lynn Whitlow Posture Seminar

Lynn Whitlow!

Lynn knows Bikram yoga through and through. She is considered one of the top female Bikram yoga instructors and is on the faculty of Bikram's teacher training. (Read more about Lynn here).

And she's coming to Winnipeg to SSHY!

Comprehensive Class:  Friday, March 8, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
    Cost is $35, no taxes as all proceeds go to Lynn.  

Posture Seminar:  Saturday, March 9, from 9:00am until 4:30pm (with 2 breaks)

  •     Includes a class with Lynn at 9:00am to start, be prepared!
  •     Smoothies and quinoa salads will be available both breaks, feel free to bring your own lunch or snacks.

    Cost is $80, no taxes as all proceeds go to Lynn.

BONUS!  Register for both classes for a combined $100 (save $15).

This will be awesome, all of the teachers who had Lynn as a guest speaker and teacher at their teacher training are excited for her to be here, she is a true wealth of knowledge for yoga and specifically Bikram yoga.

SSHY REPRESENTS at Winnipeg Hatha Yoga Competition

Winnipeg’s 1st Ever Hatha Yoga Competition took place at the end of April and we are still vibrating from what a success it was!!

And man did you yogis from Stafford Street Hot Yoga REPRESENT! 6 out of the 7 men competitors, more than half of the 14 women competitors, & the single youth competitor were all from SSHY!!  Not to mention all the lovely smiling faces in the crowd, thanks for showing your support!

Bikram yoga is hard as it is, but imagine being up on a stage.. with no mirror.. no heat.. out of the series.. all eyes on you.. this is not for the faint of heart! We are so proud of the courage & dedication shown by everyone who participated; you are an inspiration to us all!

We’d like to extend a very special thanks to our teacher, Todd Miller, who put in hours and hours of time and support to get everyone prepped for the competition. It couldn’t have been done without you!

And finally, a big CONGRATS to Amos Bridgman who took 1st in the Youth Division, Nolan Thiessen & Sarah Tichborne who both placed 3rd in the Men’s & Women’s Divisions, and John Gietzel who placed 1st in the Men’s Division!! John not only took the cake here in Winnipeg, but he also placed 3rd in the Western Finals in Edmonton AND participated in the Internationals in Los Angeles!

What an experience! We’re so proud of you!

Click here to see more photos from the competition!

Practicing My Yoga Practice

By SSHY student Norah

"You can grow flowers from where dirt used to be."
- Kate Nash, 'Merry Happy'

"I attended a free yoga class that Amanda taught at Lululemon in early 2011 and was blown away by her talent, knowledge, and compassion. I wanted to learn from her. It took me a few months to summon the courage to try hot yoga because I didn’t think I would be able to do it well. I am physically impaired and I struggle with everything yoga demands of a person: flexibility, agility, stability, strength, and stamina. I attended my first Bikram yoga class in May of the same year and it was a boost of detoxifying and peaceful energy. I attended a few more classes sporadically throughout the summer but found that I compared myself to other people too often. It was difficult to leave my ego at the door. I did not make my practice consistent until I decided to take on Amanda’s Rejuvenation Challenge in February of 2012. I attended twenty-five of the thirty classes and was tested in every possible way. I expected (and
wanted) the challenge to show me a linear progression in my ability with the poses, but I found myself on a physical and emotional rollercoaster.

I would have a few tough and humbling classes, then have a comparatively ‘easier’ or ‘better’ class, and then the next few classes would be hard again. There were some days where I felt I nearly fell into the bow pose on the floor and other days where I couldn’t even stretch far enough to grab my feet. On my fifth day of the challenge, I experienced the first of three consecutive pain free days. I had been in chronic pain for nearly three years, and just four yoga classes in a row gave me an unbelievable reprieve. I’d forgotten what it felt like to live without pain. The ache has since returned and practicing yoga helps relieve it, but for those three days I felt like I was free of an abusive relationship.

Two thirds of the way through the challenge, I had a frustrating class and wanted to cry. I lay on my back thinking, ‘I want to cry but I can’t cry. The tears aren’t there.’ A few days later, something inside me broke. I finished class in tears. I went into the change room and, as I was getting changed into my street clothes, I started to cry harder. A couple of minutes later, everything hit me all at once and I sat down and sobbed. I’d been carrying around so much frustration, resentment, sadness, worry, depression and exhaustion. I had tried to keep everything to myself and deal with it alone. Yoga finally forced the feelings out of me. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, but I surrendered to the moment and bawled. I went home and cried for another hour and a half, but I knew then that I’d needed it.

Just before the challenge ended, I had the best yoga class I’d ever had because I shifted my expectations and stopped berating myself when I couldn’t do the poses to their full or correct extent. I realized I had to stop fighting against the limitations of my impairment and work with and through them instead, so I stopped equating ‘I can’t do this pose correctly or as deeply as other people can’ with ‘I’m a bad person’ and the entire class was better and easier. I decided to apply this paradigm shift to every yoga class and every other form of exercise I do.

Five days after the challenge ended, I went to England for the first time in nearly two years to visit friends I’d made in graduate school. Four people whom I met up with told me that my walk was better, I carried myself with more assuredness and confidence and I seemed happier.  I will definitely take on another challenge in the coming months. I still don’t feel that I am very ‘good’ at yoga, but the challenge helped me realize that I can develop a consistent practice that I can maintain for life. Self-care isn’t a matter of endgame. It’s about well-being and holistic happiness every day."

- Norah, Winnipeg, MB

Did you know that Bikram Yoga is a Perfect Complement to Running?

Here’s Why:
+ Increased Lung Capacity & Stamina
+ Injury Prevention & Quicker Recovery Time
+ Increased Flexibility & Dexterity
+ Improved Focus & Concentration

But don't just take it from us! Check out this testimonial from Linda:

'As a long time runner and triathlete, I'm very familiar with the aches and pains that come from training.  After 20 full marathons, 3 Half Ironmans and countless shorter races, I'd come to think that my hamstrings would just be chronically tight.  But when I tore my hamstring in the 2007 Seattle Marathon, I told myself that once it healed, I was going to do something to improve my flexibility. 

That resolution lead me to yoga, and ultimately, to Bikram Yoga at Stafford Street Hot Yoga.  The difference it has made in my flexibility has been nothing short of miraculous.  I still recall my first class and attempting "Standing Head to Knee Pose".  I told the instructor that it would be impossible for me as long as I continued to run.  I couldn't even extend my leg to 90 degrees.  These days, not only can I extend my leg, but I can touch my head to my knee and stay balanced while doing it!

What surprised me most about Bikram Yoga at SSHY were the other benefits:  Improved balance, increased mental focus, increased strength, better ability to deal with hot racing conditions, and improved overall toning.  Last year, I had my best race season ever, with a personal best in the 10K, Half Marathon and Half Ironman.  I credit Stafford Street Hot Yoga with helping me stay healthy and injury free throughout!'

~ Linda Whitfield, Long Time Runner & Triathlete

A Weekend to Remember – Special Events Sat, Apr 28th (with Ida!) & Sun, Apr 29th 

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you a special day with Ida Ripley, Saturday, April 28th!

The 3 pm class is cancelled to make room for Ida’s best FAQ session Workshop...more details to come.

Plus, Ume's Kitchen will be open all day providing amazing fresh, energizing foods to supplement your day with the lovely and inspiring yoga champ.

Everyone is welcome!

Please also note that the 3pm and 5 pm classes will be cancelled on Sunday, April 29th for the Hatha yoga competition. Get out there and support your local Winnipeg yogis!