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My name is Amanda and as the director of SSHY, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to the world of Bikram yoga.  To learn more about me and to meet the rest of your Stafford Street Hot Yoga team, click here. We are so pleased to have you!

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Did you know that Bikram Yoga is a Perfect Complement to Running?

Here’s Why:
+ Increased Lung Capacity & Stamina
+ Injury Prevention & Quicker Recovery Time
+ Increased Flexibility & Dexterity
+ Improved Focus & Concentration

But don't just take it from us! Check out this testimonial from Linda:

'As a long time runner and triathlete, I'm very familiar with the aches and pains that come from training.  After 20 full marathons, 3 Half Ironmans and countless shorter races, I'd come to think that my hamstrings would just be chronically tight.  But when I tore my hamstring in the 2007 Seattle Marathon, I told myself that once it healed, I was going to do something to improve my flexibility. 

That resolution lead me to yoga, and ultimately, to Bikram Yoga at Stafford Street Hot Yoga.  The difference it has made in my flexibility has been nothing short of miraculous.  I still recall my first class and attempting "Standing Head to Knee Pose".  I told the instructor that it would be impossible for me as long as I continued to run.  I couldn't even extend my leg to 90 degrees.  These days, not only can I extend my leg, but I can touch my head to my knee and stay balanced while doing it!

What surprised me most about Bikram Yoga at SSHY were the other benefits:  Improved balance, increased mental focus, increased strength, better ability to deal with hot racing conditions, and improved overall toning.  Last year, I had my best race season ever, with a personal best in the 10K, Half Marathon and Half Ironman.  I credit Stafford Street Hot Yoga with helping me stay healthy and injury free throughout!'

~ Linda Whitfield, Long Time Runner & Triathlete

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