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Entries in ayurveda (8)

Ayurveda & Spring, what does it mean...

Spring caught up to us quickly this year, so to help with the transition here are some spring Ayurvedic tips!

The doshas are not just dynamic energy in the body, they are influenced by the seasonal changes as well. During spring there is a predominance of kapha dosha in the atmosphere. Kapha nourishes, nurtures, protects, builds and creates, giving bounty and beauty to all of the surrounding nature and us!

The warmth of spring starts melting the accumulated snow from winter. Likewise, accumulated kapha starts liquefying and running out of the body. This is why people tend to get spring colds. At the same time, blooming flowers shed their pollen, which can also aggravate kapha types or people with accumulated kapha, creating hay fever and allergies. So our diet and lifestyle should be designed to balance this energy.

Diet should be comprised of food and drinks, with hot, dry and light qualities to counter the cool, moist, and heavy qualities of Kapha.

Eat more baked, broiled or grilled warm foods.  Avoid cheeses, ice creams and yogurts.

Add pungent spices. Eat more vegetables. Cut down on sweets.  Sweet, salty and sour tastes aggravate Kapha, so they should be avoided. Pungent, astringent and bitter tastes reduce Kapha and should be added.

Drinks should be made with ginger, calamus, cloves, and cinnamon. Drink lots of warm water and herbal teas.

Yoga practices such as Bhasrica Pranayama and sun salutations, shoulder stand, boat, bow, lion and camel pose can be practiced.

Sleep during the daytime should be avoided.

Dress in bright warm colours like gold and orange.

Kapha Balancing Tea


-       4 cups water

-       2 cinnamon sticks

-       ¼tsp turmeric powder

-       1 tsp. grated ginger

-       1 Tbsp. maple syrup


Heat water in a pot. Add slightly crushed cinnamon sticks and turmeric powder. Boil 3 minutes. Add maple syrup and grated ginger and boil for 2 more minutes. Strain and serve hot.


A big thanks to all that came out to the Kickoff Event on Friday, it was so much fun! Hope to see you at the Open House this Sunday starting at 11am.






Macrobiotic Home Remedies ~ Simple Solutions for Common Complaints

Hello friends! There is wellness emerging in all of us on our journey to healthful Self-Realization. Coming soon, this spring, Amanda, Kalee Mund, myself, and other staff members will be teaming up to bring you the most inspiring Self-transformative month yet at SSYH. A fusion of Bikram yoga, Macrobiotics, Ayurveda, and other ancient art forms will help you balance, cleanse, de-toxify, beautify, and transform yourself in the spirit of dedication and discipline; pleasure and FUN! All natural and unique as YOU!

This blog is going to introduce you to the Macrobiotic Home Remedies that will be served to you fresh every Sunday as part of this transformative experience ~ I will include the ingredients and the medicinal effects that each remedy produces in the body. Let’s get started!

Beginning with the basic and daily macrobiotic beverage:


This tea made from the branches of the green tea plant, dried and roasted, helps bring balance and alkalize the acidic blood of modern day people (meat, processed food, alcohol, sugar, flour products, coffee, etc all acidify the blood, which to be healthy should maintain a 7.2 alkalinity on the PH scale). The tea also relieves fatigue.


Another basic and daily macrobiotic tea made from roasted barley is traditionally used more in hot weather or hot conditions, as it cools the body more that twig tea. Cooling and moistening for heat conditions (red face, tongue, high blood pressure, rashes, tightness, anger issues). This tea regulates and strengthens the stomach, spleen and pancreas.


(Lotus root and a pinch of sea salt - optional dose of fresh ginger juice)

This gentle-flavored tea made from root of the lotus brings relief to respiratory problems (smokers congestion, lung cancer, excess mucus from colds and flu, emphysema, bronchitis and asthmas) It is also beneficial for the intestines.


(Twig tea, ume plums, kuzu powder, shoyu, optional fresh ginger juice)

This super deluxe blood alkalizer is the king remedy for all types of cancers, and the fastest way to recover from a food or alcohol hangover. It supplies salty electrolytes to a fatigued body and regulates all digestive problems. It soothes stomach lining and relieves intestinal problems, stimulates circulation and regulates heart rate. On top of all this, it relieves nausea and anxiety and fights infectious mico-organisms. Overall it increases vitality in the body and mind.


(Carrot, white radish (daikon), twig tea and shoyu)

This interesting hot drink relaxes tension and tightness in the organs from too much meat, dairy and salt consumption. It removes peripheral and recent fats and lowers cholesterol. It is also beneficial for dissolving kidney stones and relieving swollen ankles and feet. Also helps in weight loss.


(Aduki beans, kombu sea vegetable)

This hot drink enhances immunity, adds minerals to the body, thereby strengthening the blood. It is the primary remedy for kidney related problems as it regulates kidney function.


(Onion, celery, carrot, squash, cabbage and daikon radish)

This hot drink regulates blood sugar levels (beneficial for spleen, pancreas and diabetic symptoms) Also beneficial for the thymus gland. It is an immune enhancer and it softens tightness caused by heavy animal food consumption.


(Unsweetened berry or apple juice/cider and kuzu powder)

This very soothing and sweeter hot beverage relaxes the mind and body. It is beneficial for stomach, intestinal problems and hypoglycemia. It relieves PMS and menstrual cramping and tension.

So, there you have it folks! Your introduction to macrobiotic home remedies! Looking forward to serving you through this transformative healing journey and getting to know you all personally. See you at Ume’s Kitchen for your remedy!

Blessings on your path,


Join Us for Tea, Snacks and Tips - Next Open House March 25th

Stafford Street Hot Yoga is hosting Open Houses once a month!

Kalee, Tannis and Amanda will be here to share information on the special healing arts of Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, and of course Bikram Yoga!

If you missed our first one, the next one is Sunday, March 25th  from 11am-3pm.

Why come to one?
Free workshops! Complimentary tea & snacks! Meet new people! What more could you want?!

Workshop Schedule:
11-11:30am – Ayurveda  (Kalee)
12:45-1:15pm – Macrobiotics  (Tannis)
2-2:30pm – Intro to Bikram Yoga  (Amanda)

If you know anyone who is afraid of or interested in Bikram Yoga, but hasn’t made it through the doors yet, this is the day to bring them!

They can ask questions, take a tour and meet our lovely staff. Or if you have any questions/concerns and are looking for more information, come on down!

More Brekkie Options - Fridays & Saturdays

At Ume’s Kitchen, we believe food is medicine (and totally en-JOY-able too!).

Introduce your tastebuds to Ayurvedic and Macrobiotic cuisines.

Friday & Saturday Mornings

Both are Eastern Style philosophies that recognize food as a way of healing the body.

What’s on the menu? Smoothies, infusions, specialty coffees and more!

Even if you haven’t done a hot yoga class, you are still very welcome to join us for breakfast! Purchase Ume’s Kitchen punch cards at the front desk, or pay cash at the bar.

Enjoy Winnipeg's yummiest macrobiotic kitchen!

Image source: happykanppy /

Next Healthy Eats Event - Fri, March 16th

First off, thanks to everyone who joined us for friendship & tasty treats on Valentine’s Day!

Ume's Kitchen sure was spreading the love, in a healthy and yummy way :)

Anyone dreaming of that Dal? Here's the Ayurvedic recipe: Mung Dal & Vegetable Bhaji (The first addition to our new recipe section on the blog!)

This was the 1st of many healthy eating events we will be holding at our Winnipeg yoga studio. Every month we will be holding an event where we serve delicious food and drinks introducing you to Macrobiotic  & Ayurvedic foods and flavours.

Everyone welcome!

Our next event will be Friday, March 16th following the 4pm & 6pm classes.


More details to come...