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Entries by SSHY (152)

Get those abs and fend off holiday flab

How easy it is. Develop your abdominal muscles in Bikram Yoga!

Happy Holidays fellow yogis and yoginis!  Along with the holidays comes delicious over indulgence…sweets, goodies and libations abound!  So, let us take notes on how we can all continue to feel good through the holidays!

It’s often our bellies that take a hit, so I will share with you some Bikram yoga tips!

Starting with Pranayama breathing exercise- You must work extra hard and when inhaling, SUCK your stomach IN.  You try your best to see your rib cage in the mirror.  For those who have extra inches, even if you cannot see your ribs, the more you try to do it, you will start to feel it, then eventually, it WILL happen!

Try being aware of this all of the 20 breaths, and your abdominals should be sore the next day.

In Awkward Pose- Very important to use your abs.  In all 3 parts, keep your stomach sucked in, and do your best to breathe slow and normal as possible.  Again, try to see your rib cage in the mirror.  This use of the stomach muscles will also prevent and help heal your back pain.

In Eagle Pose- same thing, keep that belly sucked in.  Rib cage visible, upper body arched like backward bending.

There are many other Bikram poses where you can use your abdominals more.  Standing forehead to knee requires the use of these muscles to help you touch your forehead to knee. Try this awareness from now on in your Bikram practice, and look forward to amazing results! 

To keep inches off and stay trim through the eating of 3 xmas dinners:

...CHEW your food...

This is the most profound way to improve digestion, to keep from over eating, and to improve your bodies’ ability of actually absorbing nutrients.  You want to try and chew your food minimum 30x per bite.  No joke, you will lose weight if you do this.  And it’s absolutely free!  Just think of it - by chewing you will also enjoy more flavours, more satisfaction, more joy! 

Happy eating!              

xox Amanda

Congrats challengers!!!

All of us here at Stafford Street Hot Yoga would like to offer a big congratulations to the 26 Bikram challengers who finished on November 22nd.

We are so proud of you for getting so many Bikram classes under your belt. We bet your bodies are rejoicing too!  

A special shout-out goes to Danielle Marion (she's doing triangle pose on the left).

She did not take a single day off throughout the challenge. And no, she's not a seasoned hot yoga veteran - she had only come to two Bikram classes at the studio before signing up for the challenge! Talk about inspiring...way to go Danielle :)

Christmas Holiday Hours

For the Christmas Holidays, a few adjustments to our class schedule...

Christmas Eve,  Saturday, December 24 

8:30am & 10:30am classes only

Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25


Boxing Day, Sunday, December 26

9:30am & 12pm classes only

New Years Eve, Saturday, December 31

9:30am & 12pm classes only

New Years Day, Sunday, January 1

12pm class only

Wishing you all joy and peace this holiday season!

Image source: dan /

Jodi's tips for standing head to knee pose

This is a post by SSHY Bikram teacher Jodi.


Standing Head To Knee Pose, also known as Dandayamana Janushirasana in the Bikram world, develops a sense of balance and determination within.  Achieving this posture builds a positive attitude and a calm mind.


This posture has amazing effects! It tones and strengthens your body throughout, especially thighs, abdomen, back muscles, biceps, and triceps. Increased flexibility can relieve the sciatic nerve.  This posture can help balance blood sugar, ease allergies and arthritis.  Front side compression massages the digestive and reproductive systems.  It is also good for the immune and lymphatic systems.


Concentrate on your breath (deep and smooth).  Move with the dialogue.  Go as far as you can, then hold the position.  Gain flexibility by moving slowly, with a steady increase in muscle tension.  If you rush, you may overstretch muscles and ligaments that are joint stabilizers.  With patience, your movements will become smooth.  Over time, progress with this challenging Bikram pose is reflected with self realization.


1st Part

  • With a steady gaze, look at your standing leg knee in the mirror.  Contract your standing leg thigh continuously, lifting the kneecap upwards. Contracting the quadriceps activates the tendons and ligaments around the patella creating space between bones; therefore, protecting and strengthening the joint.
  • Balance your weight equally between heel, big toe, and both sides of your standing foot.  Keep this foot straight; don’t turn it inwards or outwards. If your knee hyper-extends, try to bring more weight onto your big toe and use your inner thigh more.
  • If you can’t reach your foot yet, don’t hold your knee, but stand with the leg elevated, thigh parallel to the floor. With time, gradually work your fingers towards your foot.  Suck your stomach in, rounding your spine.  Flex the toes of the elevated foot.

2nd Part

  • Heel first!  Inhale, as you kick your heel towards the mirror.  Lift your chest up, lengthening your spine. Keep your abdomen contracted and your hips aligned.  Let your shoulders relax.  As you extend your heel towards the mirror think of pushing it up rather than out.  Line your toes up directly above your heel.  Stay here until you can easily flex all five toes towards you.  Keep both legs locked solid and strong.
  • Ease your grip slightly, so your wrists become straighter.  As you advance into this posture you feel a cramp on top of the extended leg thigh. Use leg and back strength rather than your hand grip to hold the extended leg up.

3rd Part

  • Elbows point down towards the floor.  Once your elbows are brought down, they touch the sides of the leg then drop below the calves. Smile inside or out!
  • Take a deep breath and suck in your stomach; it helps you access a source of energy!  Keep your form.  Look at your standing foot on the floor below as you bring your forehead to your knee.  Look at your belly button!

Falling out at times is part of the work, so re-start your pose when it happens.  Practice with self discipline without being overly serious: relax! On your Standing Head To Knee journey, practice Ahimsa, and be at peace with yourself!

~ Jodi









Vicky is rocking teacher training!

This is our receptionist Vicky who is rockin standing forehead to knee pose or dadayamana bibphaktipada janushirasana.

GO Vicky!  Looks like your third eye is glowing on your knee. That Bikram training must be magic.
Keep working hard... can't wait to take your class. We all miss you!