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Entries in positivity (1)
The Secrets are Out and Happiness IS the New Productivity
Hi there! Tannis here, with more delving into the esoteric theme that I touched upon in my last blog.
It is no secret that the Secrets are out and the common person can now access once hidden knowledge to help bring about transformation in the Mind, Body and Spirit. We live in a thrilling era, as we compress ever more into smaller bits of time. Rome rises and falls 9 times in an hour as we move at roller coaster speed toward ?!! (Check out Terence Mckenna’s Time Wave Zero Theory for THAT scoop!)
The biggest Secret to gain publicity in recent years is the beautiful and simple LAW OF ATTRACTION, which goes as follows:
Thought + Emotion = Attraction
Simple, but how does it really work? It works on the idea that like attracts like, and that all is energy; or frequencies. We all vibrate at our own individual frequency and attract the like. Our thought is our image of the FUTURE ~ what we wish and desire to come to us. It is our VISION. Our Emotion is how we FEEL NOW ~ in the PRESENT moment. Our E-motions are our greatest gift and the only compass we ever need. CULTure has denied us this Truth by convincing most people to ignore or repress their emotional body when it comes to knowing. The cat is out of the bag, people. Get in touch with your feelings because they are the magnets for what you attract in your life.
Here is the trick. Inherent in the equation is the Paradox of Intention. You have your vision of the future; the GOAL. But you MUST be HAPPY independent of reaching your goal. Have your focus and don’t ever quit until you get it, but cultivate feelings of bliss and joy as much as you can. Remain aware of your emotional state and what it will attract more of.
It’s called Positive Stamina (Donald Trump coined this one). That in the face of negative situations, circumstances, pain and trouble, you remain optimistic and focused on the POSITIVE in EVERY situation and full of the JOY of life. The stamina part is keeping your personal vibration high, contrary to external stimuli that will try to break you down. It’s not easy but you will get better with practice.
Remember that 10% of life is what happens and 90% is how you react to what happens. There is always choice. Practice makes you strong. Simple things like yoga, sunshine, deep breathing, whole and living foods help keep us grounded in this crazy world. So, DREAM BIG, don’t worry and BE HAPPY!
Blessings on your path,