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Your practice is a mirror for you to help you stay in your centre

If you are ever feeling lost, weak, tired, angry or anxious, your mirror is calling...

What is it that makes us feel this way?

Our lives become uncomfortable when we move from our centre.  Our centre that can only be strenghthened by breath, acceptance, and total control of the spine.  And it's easy to blame others for our unhappiness when we move from our centre!  When we feel any resentment towards our family, children, friends, colleagues, bosses, or ourselves, we have often been neglecting ourselves and our practice. 

Every time you concentrate your focus one point in the mirror, on yourself, you choose to focus all of your attention back on you. 

One of the many lessons I was taught in training is that what you see reflecting back is always what you need to see, whatever or whoever bothers you while in the hot room, is a reflection of what you dislike about yourself!  It's your problem, not their problem! yikes!

The answers you seek to all your current challenges are waiting within you to be noticed, but without a mirror, it is easy to stay distracted.  Someday, when you love your reflection unconditionally, you will feel no pain, no sadness, no anger, no fear.

Yoga makes you, you.

Enjoy the journey of self-realization, focus one point in the mirror, and fill any gaps you see reflecting to you with unconditional love for yourself and the others around you.  Can you imagine if everyone was able to surround themselves with light instead of darkness?

Your practice is a mirror for you to grow! Expand! Evolve! and teaches you how to find peace within yourself, so nothing can ever steal your happiness or peace away from you!

Bikram teaches us that we are in fact our own best teachers.. Everyday you look in the mirror, and focus on your breath, your life force that guides you, you become closer to self realization. 


See you in the hot room!


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