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My name is Amanda and as the director of SSHY, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to the world of Bikram yoga.  To learn more about me and to meet the rest of your Stafford Street Hot Yoga team, click here. We are so pleased to have you!

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Bikram Hot Yoga FAQ

What is Bikram yoga and why should I do it?

Bikram's beginner yoga is Hatha Yoga - the oldest and most basic form of yoga and breathing exercises. Bikram yoga is a specific type of hot yoga that involves 24 postures and 2 breathing exercises. Find out more about Bikram yoga and its benefits.

Is your studio Bikram certified/affiliated?

Yes, indeed!  While we were not yet affiliated on the day we opened, we did have all of the Bikram standards in place, including the carpet, Bikram-certified teachers, and the rest.  Then, in December of 2010, Rajashree announced that we had been formally brought into the fold at Bikram Yoga College of India.  You can see our Winnipeg yoga studio listed on Bikram's class-finder here.

 How is Bikram yoga different from other hot yoga classes?

Bikram yoga follows the teachings of Bikram Choudhury. He was the first to teach hot yoga in the world.  Other hot yogas have derived their principles and essence from this specific series.  Since the 1970s, Bikram's form of yoga has been helping to heal and rejuvenate broken and toxin-laden bodies throughout the world. It is only through following his specific regiment that the full benefits of Bikram yoga can be realized. The class is always the same - same temp, same postures, same routine so that you can see and feel your improvement.

How long is each class?

Each class is 90 minutes.

How hot is the temperature in the room?

40 degrees Celsius and 40% humidity

This seems really intense - does it need to be that hot?

Yes! This is the temperature that is just right for getting you sweating, warming up your muscles and generally ensuring that you get all the positive benefits from Bikram practice. 

What should I know before my first class?

Check out our complete guide for hot yoga first-timers.

I've never done hot yoga before and I'm nervous. Help!

It is perfectly natural to feel nervous when trying something new. Our teachers will be very supportive of you in your first class and will help guide you through. And when you see all the different types of people  in our classes, you'll see that Bikram yoga is for everyone - you just have to put your mind to it. It's not going to be easy, but you will feel incredible afterwards. Check out this account of a first timer's experience.

I have high blood pressure, surely hot yoga will aggravate it?

No! It will heal it! Many people immediately write hot yoga off if they have high or low blood pressure, however, it is the first improvement you will feel and see! 

It has been documented that 2 weeks of regular Bikram hot yoga practice will have an incredible effect on your arteries and heart.  The gentle compression and extension movements you do in class will tone and strenghthen your entire circulatory sysytem, heart, arteries and veins.  Go ahead and set up near the door at first where it's a bit cooler. If your blood pressure is extremely high, let us know, (we are here to help!). We will likely tell you to do only one set of each posture as you get aclimatized to the heat and detoxify. This also goes for people with extremely low blood pressure.  With consistent practice, inevitably you will receive the healing you need, you may even lower medication over time with your doctor's guidance!  Can you believe it?  A way to heal your condition!!!

Learn more about Bikram yoga and high blood pressure here:

I prefer yoga classes that are gentle and involve meditation. Does this mean that Bikram yoga is not right for me?

No way! Bikram yoga is great for everyone, no matter your shape, fitness level or age. And you can definitely include Bikram as part of your yoga and fitness regimen, and still enjoy other types of yoga classes. Bikram yoga will complement and help you improve in all the forms of physical activity you enjoy. 

Many people don't realize that the practice of breathing, flow and meditation result from being ever present.  To feel the meditative effects in a 90-minute Bikram class, one must only practice!

I'm in terrible shape, overweight, have an injury, ________ (insert any hesitation or gripe you may have). Should I take your Bikram classes?

For sure! Whatever it is that is ailing you, hot yoga will get to the bottom of it. We are not promising overnight miracles, but with regular, committed practice you are going to go leaps and bounds beyond the body you have now.

Is it safe to do yoga if I am pregnant?

Check out Amanda's pregnancy poses here 

It totally depends on the individual.  If you have been practicing for a while (minimum 6 months, 3-4x/week), then your body is likely aclimatized to the heat, and has undergone alot of detoxification.  For all women it is always very personal. You have to assess for yourself how you feel. 

The first trimester, heat should be avoided as it is the most delicate time. For some women even more than others.

Second trimester can have you practicing in the hot room, but you may have to rest more often if you feel overworked.  You may bring in a thermometer into class with you to check your temp to make sure your body temp does not rise above 40 degrees/105 F.  You may set up near the door in case you need to leave briefly to cool down. However, in our experience, resting on your side in savasanah allows your body to regulate and feel comfortable.

Just be mindful and sensitive to your body - many yoginis have practiced in the hot room until the day before they pop!  You may also take Rajashrees (Bikram's wife) video home, turn up your heat and practice her pregnanacy video in the comfort of your living room!  We have the videos for sale at the studio. Always inform your teacher of your condition. Doing hot yoga while pregnant can be a very safe, enjoyable experience preparing you for childbirth. 

Is it safe to do Bikram hot yoga if I am on medication(s)?

This all depends on you. You may talk with your doctor to get his or her advice. However, Bikram yoga is one of the most outstanding forms of yoga when it comes to reversing conditions! 

Bikram and Rajashree have been working with UCLA medical for years, bringing to light all the medical benefits this yoga has to offer.  Many students over the years from around the world have started this yoga practice broken, depressed, on drugs, while recovering from all types of illness, and have successfully over time slowly weaned themselves off medications along with their doctor's awareness, as well as reversed conditions such as Type II Diabetes, Graves Disease, High and Low Blood Pressure, Depression, just to name a few.  It really is endless what you can do to improve the body when you apply the right healing techniques! 

Because of the strong detoxifying effects Bikram yoga has on your body, your vital organs recieve huge squeezes daily of rejuvenating massage internally. This in turn re-ignites meridian and energy pathways of the body that have not been functioning for years. With time, regular practice and determination, this yoga can save your life!  Please feel comfortable asking our teaching staff questions or relating concerns you may have regarding medications you are on and your practice.  We opened this studio to help people like you have a way to get your health and vitality back, we are extremely excited for you to begin this amazing journey.

I tried to get in the studio and the door was locked. What gives?

Once the hot yoga class starts, the doors to the studio are locked. This is to ensure a quiet and peaceful environment for our students. We don't want your concentration broken by comings and goings in the lobby. The studio is open 30 minutes before classes start, so please be on time. If you come early, enjoy chilling in our lounge or enter the class early to meditate and get into your zone.

I just love your space and your classes! Can I host a special event with you?

Yes, we are happy to make special arrangements for use of our space and yoga instructors outside of regular yoga class hours. Contact us for more details.

Don't see the answer to your question above? Send us a Tweet, leave us a comment on Facebook or contact us at anytime!