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My name is Amanda and as the director of SSHY, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to the world of Bikram yoga.  To learn more about me and to meet the rest of your Stafford Street Hot Yoga team, click here. We are so pleased to have you!

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The Benefits of Bikram Yoga

There are numerous health benefits to doing Bikram yoga. If you've been thinking about trying out hot yoga in Winnipeg, but aren't really sure if it's for you, you'll be raring to go after you hear about the incredible healing powers of this type of hot yoga. Whatever your reasons for coming, you can expect your Bikram yoga classes to offer you:

  • A major cardiovascular workout. Jumpstart that heart of yours - our hot yoga classes will get your blood pumping!
  • A great way to strengthen and tone your muscles. Using your body's own resistance, you will work every single muscle you have.
  • Deep stretching - the heat loosens up your muscles and connective tissues, allowing you to reach farther and avoid pulling anything. 
  • All the moving, bending, and reaching is stimulating your internal organs and systems. This helps to regulate your metabolism, your mood, and your sleep, among many other health and wellness benefits.
  • Full-on detoxification - all the junk in your system will finally be given the opportunity to escape. And if you suddenly feel nauseous or light headed during practice, be grateful as your body is likely saying sayonara to something truly nasty. 
  • Calm your mind, focus your thoughts and improve your mind/body connection. Some of the Bikram postures are so challenging, there's no way you can think about anything else. And your teacher will also encourage you to put your mind into it - thinking your way into a posture is half the battle. 
  • Improve your performance in other athletic activities and reduce wear and tear on muscles and joints that can come from practicing the same sports your whole life (think tennis elbow, for example). 
  • Lose weight by burning major calories and revving up that metabolism.
  • Address injuries or chronic pain by building up muscles and getting blood flowing into the affected area.

Origins of Bikram hot yoga

Bikram yoga, started in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury, is a series of 26 postures (based on Hatha yoga principles) practised in a room of 40C with a 40% humidity. The heat literally softens up the body so that you can reshape and heal it properly.

Bikram yoga stimulates and heals every muscle, joint, ligament and organ in the body. There are two main aspects of the 26 exercises - asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises). The compression (cutting off circulation) and resulting extension (the body's pumping of fresh blood in reaction to the compression) that is part of each pose allows this wonderful excess of blood to flood the area in question when the posture is finished.  In some cases, you will literally feel the blood pumping throughout different parts of your body. This is how the bacteria and the toxins are released (in addition to all that sweat!).

If you are interested in finding out more about the Bikram style of  yoga and its history, please visit the official Bikram yoga website.